Saturday, November 27, 2010

Building WSO2 Carbon..

What is WSO2 Carbon?
Carbon is a modular platform built upon OSGi techonogy which is the base for each of the products of WSO2.

In this post, I'd like to discuss the methodology that requires to build wso2 carbon on your Ubuntu installed machine and a couple of tips to make the building and troubleshooting processes easy.

Intended platform :

Check whether you've got the stuff :
Before you start the proceedings, you need to have some SVN client installed in your machine. I prefer subversion which you can download either by visiting their official site or using the following command on your console.

During this process it is intended to use Apache Maven as the build tool and you can download the latest distribution from the Maven site.

NOTE: Make sure you properly set up the environment for Maven before moving forward with the rest of the phases of this process.

Checking out the source code :
After you successfully installed subversion client you can checkout the source code of WSO2 carbon to the desired location of your machine using the following command.

Everything is ready??? Double check.. :)
If you have successfully checked out the source code from the wso2 repositary, you should be able to observe the following directory structure corresponds to the location to which you have checked out the source code in your machine.

Be careful.. :
When you go on with the task, you need to be mindful of the sequence which is required to follow while building WSO2 Carbon.

dependencies -> orbit -> core -> componenets -> features -> products

It is a must that you follow the aforementioned build sequence to ensure Carbon is built properly at the end of this process.

Let's build it :
Go to the desired directory from the console and use the following command to build the contents inside that particular directory.

Additionally, you can use the following set of commands to make the process much simpler depending upon the requirements

(i) To build Carbon in Offline mode:

(ii) To avoid building tests:

(iii) To carry out the build for only one product:

(iv)To make the process faster by introducing more threads to work on it:

NOTE: This is efficient when you do the build in Offline mode

At the end of the aforementioned process, you should be able to successfully build carbon.

If you encounter some error,
Step 1: Try taking a "svn update" from the repository and building it again.

Step 2: If that does not seem to work, drop a mail to to get support from the devs.

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